Reserve-Tutoring YES – please reserve for us a tutoring session. SI – favor reservar una sesion de Tutoria para nosotros. Tutoring Name of Student / Nombre del Estudiante* First Last School / Escuela*Grade Level / Grado*Subjects / Materias*Math / MatematicasReading and Writting / Lectura y escrituraScience / CienciasOther / OtrosALL / TODOSHours per week / Horas a la semana*Name of Parent / Nombre del Padre* First Last Email Phone*Preferred Days / Dias Preferidos - OPTION 1*Monday / LunesTuesday / MartesWednesday / MiercolesThursday / JuevesFriday / ViernesPreferred Days / Dias Preferidos - OPTION 2*Monday / LunesTuesday / MartesWednesday / MiercolesThursday / JuevesFriday / ViernesPreferred Hours - Option 1*9 am to 10 am10 am to 11 am11 am to 12m3 pm to 4 pm4 pm to 5 pm5 pm to 6 pm6 pm to 7 pmThis does not guarantee the hour you selected. Mrs. Franky will confirm to you based on available slots.Preferred Hours - Option 2*9 am to 10 am10 am to 11 am11 am to 12m3 pm to 4 pm4 pm to 5 pm5 pm to 6 pm6 pm to 7 pmThis does not guarantee the hour you selected. Mrs. Franky will confirm to you based on available slots.Comments / ComentariosPlease add any additional information you consider important - Favor agregar informacion adicional que consideren importante.Valor del Servicio / Cost of Services$45/hora –$ 45/ hour Las clase deben ser prepagas en el momento de la reserva. Enviar los pagos ( Via Zelle) a: O usar CashApp: $LucyFranky All classes must be prepaid with the reservation. Send payments(via Zelle) to: or use O CashApp : $LucyFrankyNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.