Swirling Colors
- What happen when you combine milk with food coloring and dish detergent?
- A dish of whole milk
- Dish detergent
- Food coloring
- Cotton swabs
- Add the cup of milk to the dish. You only need to pour enough milk in the pan to cover the bottom
- Drop 3 or 4 drops of different colors of food coloring to the milk around the edges of the pan.
- Add some drops of dish detergent to the cotton swan.
- Touch the swab to the middle of the dish. (Prompt the students to discuss, and describe their observations) The colors will swirl!
- You can do the same experiment by adding the drops of dish detergent to the food coloring
- Use a toothpick to dip in the soap, then dip in the pan repeatedly to make the colors
- Repeat this experiment by using different liquids. See if any liquid have the same result as the milk.
- Add some drops of detergent around the dish to see if you see different effects.
Experiment from You tube:Fun with Magic Milk and Food Coloring! (Home Experiment) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW-bn9zssak&feature=related
Milk Rainbow – Cool Science Experiment: www.Paikea.org
Rainbow Milk: Magic but Real Experiment:
Detergent, milk and food coloring chemistry experiment: