Swirling Colors

Swirling Colors

  • What happen when you combine milk with food coloring and dish detergent?


  1. A dish of whole milk
  2. Dish detergent
  3. Food coloring
  4. Cotton swabs


  1. Add the cup of milk to the dish. You only need to pour enough milk in the pan to cover the bottom
  2. Drop 3 or 4 drops of different colors of food coloring to the milk around the edges of the pan.
  3. Add some drops of dish detergent to the cotton swan.
  4. Touch the swab to the middle of the dish. (Prompt the students to discuss, and describe their observations) The colors will swirl!


  1. You can do the same experiment by adding the drops of dish detergent to the food coloring
  2. Use a toothpick to dip in the soap, then dip in the pan repeatedly to make the colors
  3. Repeat this experiment by using different liquids. See if any liquid have the same result as the milk.
  4. Add some drops of detergent around the dish to see if you see different effects.

Experiment from You tube:Fun with Magic Milk and Food Coloring! (Home Experiment) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW-bn9zssak&feature=related
Milk Rainbow – Cool Science Experiment: www.Paikea.org
Rainbow Milk: Magic but Real Experiment:

Detergent, milk and food coloring chemistry experiment:

About Mrs. Lucy Franky

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